Find your Happy Color…


The Story behind Seeds…

For as long as I can remember, I have loved flowers and being outside connecting to the beauty that nature provides. Growing up, my Gram always had a tiny vase on her kitchen table with the sweetest flowers in it. She was an avid gardener and had such a wonderful selection of perennials all around her yard. I used to love working outside with her, helping care for all her flower babies! My mom was also an amazing gardener and decorator of everything! Every home she had was neat, organized, and was decorated beautifully, inside and out! Although I have been a photographer for 30 years and have had an amazing career, gardening and making things pretty has always been my real passion and has brought such joy to my heart! I decided to take a chance on helping others bring that same serenity and beauty to their life! Beautiful outdoor living is just as essential and adds square footage for you to enjoy! Seeds Garden Boutique has been created to expand and enhance everyone’s lives with beautiful, colorful garden and home treasures! I like to call it feel good shopping! There is something for everyone to brighten your day and help you live a more colorful life! Along with feel good shopping, I will be offering design advice and services. If you like pretty things but do not know where to begin with colors and placement, I am happy to take away some anxiety! I am here to help you find your happy color and create a place where peace, beauty and serenity surround you!